Wednesday 20 February 2013

- self-worth..? -

probably one of the most self-boosting things in life is the feeling of contentment, success and self-worth.

contentment is when you're happy with what you have, it may not be much  to others, but to you, it's more than enough

and with it comes success. Success when you've won over something, you've overcome trials you thought impossible.

And with it comes self-worth. You know you're place in life. You know you're value, you take pride in what you do. It doesn't go with the title or anything else - it's just simply YOU - loving yourself in a not-narcissist-kind-of-way.

But take away self-worth, what happens?

More often than not, there are those who self-desctruct - do drugs be angry, REALLY REALLY angry - feel hopeless - even worse - there are those who commit suicide.

While strong personalites recuperate and gain back what they have lost, weaker ones become a puppet - just following commands via strings attached from the higher ground.

How does self-worth get taken away?

Basing from my expecience? It's just simply : giving everything you've got and gaining nothing. It's losing the same game over and over again. No matter what you do, no matter what tactics or strategies you play - nothing.

It's feeling like a loser. Feeling dumb. Unimportant. No one listens to you. No one takes you seriously. Yet, when everything blows up in their faces, they blame you for that mistake. You are the MISTAKE.

Or am i really the person to blame?


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