Monday, 28 September 2015

if heaven had a phone line..

if heaven had a phone line,
i would certainly use it everyday
i would start my mornings by saying
"hi, what's for breakfast?"
as i start preparing the plates

but knowing the sleepyhead that i am
you'd probably end up calling me
and waking me up instead

if heaven had a phone line
i'd call you every now and then
just like the way we used to text way back when
it's just a random check on both of us
it's kinda like our thing, a bonding moment,
a happy fuss

if heaven had a phone line
i'd never miss the days when you're not here
in our current situation,
just talking to you, hearing your voice would be more than enough
cause i know you're there.

if heaven had a phone line
i'd tell you i love you and thank you everyday
you made sure i was raised right
you gave me a family
you did everything with all your might.

even to your last breath,
you thought of me,
making sure i can handle it,
making sure i'll be alright.

if heaven had a phone line
then i could ask you if you're proud of me
of where i am now,
of what i've become,
the fruits of your labor,
and as your living legacy.

if heaven had a phone line..
..i'll make your proud of me.
more than that,
how i wish you're still here with me.

MOTHER [noun]

..someone who will love you unconditionally,
til her last breath..


ayisharu said...


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